Seabreeze Physiotherapy are committed to providing high level physiotherapy care and rehabilitation services.
Seabreeze Physiotherapy offers a client-centred approach to physiotherapy, guiding individuals through their condition, treatment, recovery, and goal setting. We offer simple home-based rehabilitation exercises without requiring expensive equipment.
3/2 Benjamin Way
Rockingham WA 6168
Opening Hours
From 8:00AM Monday - Friday
Did You Know?
Did you know that Physiotherapists are primary contact practitioners? In most instances, the onset of pain or an acute injury does not require a referral from your GP for an appointment.
Physiotherapists are trained to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries, we can also liaise with your GP as required, provide fitness for work certificates, and refer for imaging as necessary.
We are Seabreeze Pysiotherapy
Finding the perfect balance to restorative health.
Seabreeze specialises and can provide services in the following areas:
Musculoskeletal and Sport Injuries
Chronic pain management
Vertigo and BPPV
Cardiopulmonary management and rehabilitation
Neurological rehabilitation
Paediatric conditions and development